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Brenda Kerr

Hello, I am Brenda Kerr (Brenda Westervall Kerr) Instructional Technology Specialist at Middle Tennessee State University.

Brenda Kerr has supported instructors in their use of technology for instruction at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) since June of 1998. Her duties include supporting faculty in their use of Learning Management Systems (LMS); Blackboard, WebCT, and Desire 2 Learn, supporting faculty web projects housed on UNIX and Windows servers, supporting course content creation using the LMS editor, SoftChalk, coding HTML and using Dreamweaver and Expression Web and supporting various programs used to create online presentations. She serves on the Instructional Technology Development Committee. This committee recommends grant funding and chooses recipients of the annual Outstanding Achievement in Instructional Technology Award. Brenda is also the administrator for the WebMT Windows web server and MTSU's Second Life Island. Brenda teaches many workshops pertaining to the previously stated topics and coordinates the MTSU Second Life user's group. Conference Presentations: Middle Tennessee Instructional Technology Conference, Lilly Conference 2012 (Miami University, Oxford, Ohio)

Brenda Kerr's Background

Brenda Kerr's Experience

Percussionist at Music

1979 - 2010

Performed as a percussionist with the Des Moines Symphony Orchestra, community bands, and various local shows.

Percussionist at Music

1979 - 2010

Instrutional Technology Specialist at Des Moines Public Schools

June 1997 - June 1998

Instructional Technology Specialist at Des Moines Public Schools

June 1997 - June 1998

Worked with elementary teachers to develop instructional technology strategies that enhance learning.

Band Director at Des Moines Public Schools

1981 - 1997

Taught elementary school students to play band and orchestra instruments.

Band Director at Des Moines Public Schools

1981 - 1997

Owner at Jewelry by Vernesdatter

March 2013

Handmade jewelry designed by Brenda Kerr. Jewelry reconstruction and redesign by appointment.

Instructional Design Mentor at Tennessee Board of Regents System

August 2011

Brenda guides online faculty in planning for and fulfilling their instructional design needs.

Instructional Technology Specialist at Middle Tennessee State University

June 1998

eLearning and virtual learning specialist, SoftChalk and Desire2Learn trainer, live and online workshop developer, Windows web server administrator, Expressions web and Dreamweaver support, Innovative Technology Development Committee coordinator.

Instructional Technology Specialist at Middle Tennessee State University

June 1998

I teach MTSU faculty to work with our course management system, Desire2Learn, and other technologies in order to make online, hybrid, and web enhanced courses.

Brenda Kerr's Education

Drake University

1976 – 1998

Bachelor of Music Education

Iowa State University

1990 – 1995


Concentration: Curriculum and Instruction

Brenda Kerr's Interests & Activities

Instructional Design for higher education and business, jewelry design, music.

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